Proven Organic Programs: Weed Control
Weed Killers fall into three different categories, and Green Earth Ag & Turf's programs incorporate a Pre-Emergent Weed Killer/Fertilizer Two-In-One combo into our standard nutrient program. We also have the industry-leading Non-Toxic Post-Emergent Selective Weed Killer (kills only the broadleaves and not grass) and Non-Selective Weed Killer (kills everything), similar to glyphosate or RoundUp® but with a natural ingredient and organic label.
Selective Weed Killers: One of the top breakthroughs in organics in the last few years is Fiesta Selective Weed Killer; available in a Liquid and a Granular Weed & Feed. Fiesta is a selective, post-emergent weed killer that has really allowed organic applicators to now have an effective option when harsh synthetics are not allowed or desired. Fiesta is consistent, has a broad temperature range and is backed up with trials and multiple university studies from top researchers at Ohio State University, Cornell etc. Fiesta is composed of iron, which is a main component of our bodies and a natural element that we eat every day. There is not another alternative that is better that we have found in a decade-plus in the industry, Fiesta is the choice of all our professional applicators throughout the country.
Non-Selective Weed Killers: For non-selective (that work more like glyphosate containing products), Finalsan is the top choice of both standard and organic applicators that don't want toxic synthetic weed-killers. Finalsan works by removing the waxy cuticle of a plant which then loses control of transpiration and dehydrates and dies. This is a much more effective mechanism than any other organic weed killers, such as vinegar or salts, that simply burn the foliage. With those products, the weed usually grows back after the foliage is dropped because the roots remain healthy. Finalsan is non-staining and does not have an odor and is OMRI-listed organic, the most stringent organic standard in the country. Finalsan can be sprayed around vines and trees without any worries of toxicity or a slowdown in growth. It is also biodegradable, it breaks down quickly after killing so seeds can be planted immediately before or after use. There is not a better weed killer in the organic world than Finalsan!
Pre-Emergents: Branch Creek 10-0-2 Safer Play granular weed and feed is a gluten-based pre-emergent weed killer to help control crabgrass and other weeds. Unlike other gluten-based products, Safer Play uses a steeping process to concentrate the active protein component; therefore much less gluten is required per 1,000 square feet for activity - 4 lb. per 1,000 square feet versus up to 10 lb. for other products. In addition to pre-emergent activity, the 10-0-2 is one of the highest sources of organic nitrogen for a great green-up on the turf in addition to weed control. Each bag covers 10,000 square feet (or about ¼ acre) at the mid-rate of 4 lbs. per 1,000 square feet for great two-in-one fertilization, green up and pre-emergent weed control, the best natural option on the market that does not require excess nitrogen to achieve weed-killing activity!